美洲委内瑞拉在瓜尔纳斯和瓜提尔的圣佩德罗庆典 La Parranda de San Pedro de

每年在瓜拉纳斯和瓜提尔的小镇上,使徒圣佩德罗的信徒们都会用一系列受欢迎的节日和仪式来庆祝他的圣徒节。圣佩德罗的肖像保存在镇上所有的教堂里,而圣人则用流行歌曲庆祝。然后,在午夜,举行弥撒,把图像拿出来,在街上。庆祝活动的中心是重演奴隶玛丽亚·伊格纳西亚的故事,她的女儿被圣徒治愈。鹦鹉在剧中扮演着关键角色,穿着色彩鲜艳、精心准备的服装,代表不同的角色,而其他参与者则举着旗帜和横幅、跳舞、演奏乐器、唱歌和即兴创作流行歌曲。妇女通过讲习班、装饰教堂、打扮圣人形象和烹饪传统菜肴来准备和培训年轻一代。在节日期间,舞蹈演员们与家人、邻居以及其他社区成年人和儿童聚集在一起,分享欢乐和团聚的时刻。每一次聚会都是为了庆祝社区的精神、舞蹈演员的活力和幸福,以及象征和重申反对不公正和不平等斗争的传统的活力。 2013年度列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。 来源:教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产国际培训中心 Every year in the small towns of Guarenas and Guatire, devotees of San Pedro the Apostle celebrate his saint’s day with a series of popular festivities and rituals. An image of San Pedro is stored in all the town’s churches while the saint is celebrated with popular songs. Then, at midnight, a mass is held and the images are taken out and paraded through the streets. Central to the celebration is a re-enactment of the story of the slave María Ignacia, whose daughter was healed by the saint.Parranderosplay key roles in the drama, wearing colourful, carefully prepared costumes representing the different characters, while other participants bear flags and banners, dance, play instruments, sing and improvise popular tunes. Women participate by preparing and training younger generations through workshops and by decorating the churches, dressing images of the saint and cooking traditional dishes. During the festival, the dancers, together with their families, neighbours and other community adults and children, gather to share moments of joy and togetherness. Every gathering serves to celebrate the spirit of the community, the energy and happiness of the dancers, and the vitality of a tradition that symbolizes and reasserts the struggle against injustice and inequality. Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2013. Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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