美洲厄瓜多尔帕西约歌曲与诗歌 Pasillo song and poetry2021年

帕西洛是19世纪南美独立战争期间厄瓜多尔出现的一种音乐和舞蹈。它融合了雅拉维等本土音乐元素,以及华尔兹、小步舞曲和西班牙波列罗等多种音乐流派。帕西洛舞的意思是“小步”,由一对夫妇以小步舞动。它是城市文化的产物,在交际舞、公共仪式、节日、广播和电视节目以及户外音乐会中表演。这是一种动态的、不断发展的练习,可以由独奏者、二重奏、三重奏和合奏表演。它通常伴随着吉他和高音吉他《安魂曲》,本质上是一首音乐化的诗歌,歌词涉及爱情、心碎、生命、死亡、家庭、家园和人民的日常生活。对厄瓜多尔人来说,帕西洛是一个身份标记,是他们与祖国联系的象征,随着时间的推移,它已成为一种集体表达形式。音乐由男性和女性表演,在家庭中、在正式培训中心、通过街头音乐家和流行或市政乐队代代相传。 2021年度列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。 来源:教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产国际培训中心+E3 The pasillo is a type of music and dance that emerged in Ecuador in the nineteenth century, during the South American independence wars. It is a fusion of elements of indigenous music, such as the yaraví, with a complex variety of musical genres including the waltz, the minuet and the Spanish bolero. The pasillo, which means ‘small step’, is danced in short steps by a couple. A product of urban culture, it is performed in ballroom dances, public ceremonies, festivals, radio and television programmes, and outdoor concerts. It is a dynamic, ever-evolving practice that can be performed by soloists, duos, trios and ensembles. Usually accompanied by guitars and the requinto, a high-pitched guitar, it is essentially a musicalized poem, with lyrics relating to love, heartbreak, life, death, family, homeland and the daily life of the people. To Ecuadorians, the pasillo is an identity marker and a symbol of their connection with the homeland, and with time, has become a form of collective expression. The music is performed by men and women and transmitted from generation to generation within families, in formal training centres, and through street musicians and popular or municipal bands. Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2021. Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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