美洲委内瑞拉围绕着对圣约翰施洗者的奉献和崇拜的节日循环 Festive cycle around t

委内瑞拉圣约翰浸礼会庆祝活动的特色是起源于18世纪的非裔委内瑞拉社区的做法和知识,这些社区与前殖民地产有关。从一开始,庆祝活动就深受天主教的影响,但也有大量与撒哈拉以南非洲有关的语言、音乐和身体表达。对于被称为Sanjuaneros的信徒来说,庆祝活动是文化抵抗和自由的象征,也是纪念他们被奴役的祖先的一种方式。在许多社区,庆祝活动从5月初开始。他们的特点是欢快的鼓声、舞蹈、讲故事和唱歌,以及与圣约翰浸信会的雕像一起。每个社区都有自己的舞蹈和歌唱形式。庆祝活动的确切日期因地区而异,但最重要的日期是6月23日和24日。6月23日,Sanjuaneros和朋友们一起参观教堂和圣约翰浸信会的小屋。6月24日,圣徒的肖像在当地河流中受洗,以纪念《圣经》事件。许多奉献者也会到河里去接受圣人的祝福。尽管周期的结束时间各不相同,但在大多数地方,庆祝活动在7月16日结束。这些做法和知识在家庭内、通过社区团体和学校传播。 2021年度列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。 来源:教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产国际培训中心 The Venezuelan Saint John the Baptist celebrations feature practices and knowledge that originated in the eighteenth century in Afro-Venezuelan communities associated with former colonial estates. From the beginning, the festivities have been heavily influenced by Catholicism, but they are also rich in verbal, musical and physical expressions connected to sub-Saharan Africa. For followers, called Sanjuaneros, the celebration is a symbol of cultural resistance and freedom, and a means of remembering their enslaved ancestors. In many communities, the festivities start in early May. They are characterized by joyful drumming, dancing, storytelling and singing and by processions with a statue of Saint John the Baptist. Each community has its own form of dancing and singing. The exact dates of the festivities vary from one region to the next, but the most important dates are 23 and 24 June. On 23 June, the Sanjuaneros visit with friends and go to churches and casas (houses) of Saint John the Baptist. On 24 June, the image of the saint is baptized in the local river to commemorate the biblical event. Many devotees also go into the river to be blessed by the saint. Although the end of the cycle varies, in most places the celebrations end on 16 July. The practices and knowledge are transmitted within families and through community groups and schools. Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2021. Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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