美洲玻利维亚伊查佩克内-皮埃斯塔莫克索斯地区圣伊格纳西奥得莫索斯的最大节日 Ichapekene P

每年,玻利维亚圣伊格纳西奥·德莫克索斯的居民,无论老少,都会庆祝伊卡佩肯尼·皮埃斯塔节,这是一个融合的节日,重新诠释了耶稣会在伊格纳西奥·德洛约拉的胜利中的莫克塞诺创始人神话,并将其与土著信仰和传统融合在一起。庆祝活动从5月的烟花表演、歌唱和赞美开始,并在7月继续进行每日和夜间的群众庆祝、葬礼守灵、施舍和宴会。圣伊格纳提乌斯胜利的主要象征包括12名太阳战士,他们穿着壮观的羽毛,与圣旗的守护者——森林和水的原始“所有者”——作战,最后皈依教。这些仪式是一种信仰和不断重生的行为,允许莫克塞诺人在他们祖先的灵魂面前重生为教传统。主要的队伍包括48组伪装成蒙面祖先和动物的参与者,强调了尊重自然的重要性。他们在巴洛克时期耶稣会传教团的音乐伴奏下玩把戏、跳舞,然后在午夜时分从宽边帽顶上燃放烟花,象征着光和视觉的礼物,让他们过上有尊严的生活。 2012年度列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。 来源:教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产国际培训中心 Every year, the inhabitants, both young and old, of San Ignacio de Moxos in Bolivia celebrate Ichapekene Piesta, a syncretic festival that reinterprets the Moxeño founder myth of the Jesuit victory of Ignacio de Loyola and melds it with indigenous beliefs and traditions. The festivities begin in May with firework displays, singing and praises, and continue in July with daily and nightly celebrations of masses, funeral wakes, alms-giving and feasts. The main representation of the victory of Saint Ignatius involves twelve sun warriors, wearing spectacular feathers, who battle the guardians of the holy flag – the original ‘owners’ of the forest and water – before converting them finally to Christianity. These rites are an act of faith and constant rebirth, allowing the Moxeños to be reborn into the Christian tradition in the presence of the spirits of their ancestors. The main procession involves 48 groups of participants disguised as masked ancestors and animals, reinforcing the importance of respect for nature. They play tricks and dance to the accompaniment of the Baroque-era music of the Jesuit missions, then around midnight fireworks pop from the top of their wide-brimmed hats, symbolizing the gift of light and vision to live respectfully. Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2012. Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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