美洲巴拉圭药草文化中的凉马黛茶习俗和传统知识巴拉圭瓜拉尼传统饮料 Practices and tra

巴拉圭瓜拉尼族祖传饮料波哈纳文化中的泰瑞尔习俗和传统知识在巴拉圭境内广泛存在,涉及到各种各样的持有者。Terere是一种传统的饮料,用水壶或热水瓶制备,将冷水与碾碎在研钵中的波哈那混合。它装在预先装满耶尔巴伴侣的玻璃杯中,用金属或甘蔗吸管吸吮。准备泰瑞尔是一个亲密的仪式,涉及一系列预先制定的准则,每种波哈那药草都有健康益处,与代代相传的流行智慧有关。大约从16世纪起,波哈纳文化中的泰雷尔习俗就在巴拉圭家庭中传播。关于构成波哈那的草药的治疗属性及其正确使用的传统知识也会在家族内部自发传播。近年来,学徒人数有所上升,但家庭传播仍然是主要的传播方式。在波哈那文化中使用Terere可以促进社会凝聚力,因为准备和使用Terere的时间和空间可以促进包容、友谊、对话、尊重和团结。这种做法还加强了新一代对瓜拉尼族丰富的文化和植物遗产的欣赏。 2020年度列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。 来源:教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产国际培训中心 The practices and traditional knowledge of Terere in the culture of Pohã Ñana, Guaraní ancestral drink in Paraguay, are widespread in the Paraguayan territory and involve a variety of bearers. Terere is a traditional drink prepared in a jug or thermos, in which cold water is mixed with Pohã Ñana crushed in a mortar. It is served in a glass pre-filled with yerba mate and sucked with a bombilla (metal or cane straw). Preparing the Terere is an intimate ritual involving a series of pre-established codes and each Pohã Ñana herb has health benefits linked to popular wisdom passed down through the generations. Terere practices in the culture of Pohã Ñana have been transmitted in Paraguayan families since approximately the sixteenth century. Traditional knowledge about the healing attributes of the medicinal herbs that make up the Pohã Ñana and their correct use are also transmitted spontaneously within the family. In recent years, the figure of apprentices has risen, but family transmission remains the main mode of transmission. The practice of the Terere in the culture of Pohã Ñana fosters social cohesion as the time and space dedicated to preparing and consuming the Terere promote inclusion, friendship, dialogue, respect and solidarity. The practice also strengthens new generations’ appreciation of the rich cultural and botanical heritage of Guaraní origin. Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2020. Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region.

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